Meltwater: Marketing Trends for 2025 with WE's Erica Fields
SOURCE: https://www.meltwater.com/en/blog/marketing-trends-2025
How Embracing AI Will Secure Ancillary Benefits
Meltwater, Lance Concannon, 15 November, 2024
With so much change and uncertainty in the air, it can be tricky to know exactly how best to build strategies for the future. To help you get a handle on the challenges that lie ahead, Meltwater asked leading marketing experts for their thoughts on the biggest trends of 2025, including WE's Erics Fields, EVP, Head of NA DXT and I&A.
Based on WE and USC Annenberg Center for Public Relations' recent data, Erica explains "that communicators who use AI more frequently report being more excited to come to work and are 93% more likely to say they feel valued at work. This makes a clear case for a culture mandate; empower your teams to embrace AI and, in turn, enhance their relationship to their jobs."
Read the complete list of marketing trends and access the latest "Energized by AI: How Technology is Changing Communicators' Relationship to Work" report to learn more.
(Photo courtesy of Meltwater)