
The Holmes Report: Lessons from a 30-Year Relationship

October 24, 2019

SOURCE: https://www.holmesreport.com/latest/article/provoke19-lessons-from-a-30-year-client-agency-relationship

PRovoke19: Lessons From A 30-Year Client/Agency Relationship

Diana Marszlake, The Holmes Report, Oct. 23, 2019

(Image courtesy of The Holmes Report)

WASHINGTON, DC — Over the last 30 years or so, the average length of agency/client partnerships has gone steadily downhill, dropping from a high of roughly seven years down to three today.

Which makes WE Communications and Microsoft’s relationship of more than three decades not only a standout, but an anomaly. “Our partnership with WE is really the poster child,” said global communications general manager Doug Dawson of Microsoft, which works with around 55 PR firms around the world.