While pressure on technology to deliver is at an all-time high, brands have risen to the occasion and contributed to the continuity Asia has needed through the pandemic. Technology brands continue to come from a place of strength thanks to goodwill built over decades of investment and engagement in the region. The question now: What will it take for technology brands to maintain their position in 2022?

We took a deeper look at APAC B2B technology decision-makers respondent set (over 1,700 from Australia, China, India and Singapore) from our Brands in Motion 2021 report “The Bravery Mandate” to understand how technology brands can remain critical partners in the year ahead.

What Stood Out?

  • Over 90% of APAC business technology decision-makers believe that brands are working for the common good.
  • Two-thirds say they are more likely to purchase or recommend products or services from brands that address societal issues that matter to them.
  • 86% believe that businesses and organizations have a moral obligation to help bridge differences in times of high societal division.
  • 91% say that the behaviors of executive leaders of a company in the technology industry affect their decision to support the brand.

Download our whitepaper for more findings and analysis below.

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