The growth of COVID-19 may be slowing in China, but its far from business as usualWith the cultural and behavioral shifts caused by the virus’ spread in China, businesses in every industry are reshaping their 2020 plans against a quickly evolving landscape. 

Though some industries have been hit harder than others, literally no sector has been left untouched. COVID-19 will have knock-on effects that will reshape the entire consumer and business landscape for the foreseeable future. And the actions brands take now will have long-term implications on their future. 

What we can learn from China’s recovery 

  • How brands are building long-term brand equity by supporting a nation and rallying around a common cause. 
  • What’s relevant and what’s not, and how brands can tell authentic stories to align to a higher purpose. 
  • How to nail the rebound. Consumers want to spend, but COVID-19 has forever changed what they see as valuable. 
The brands that are not afraid to experiment during this time will be remembered by Nicky Wang, Managing Director, Head of Strategy, WE Red bridge