
PRovoke: PR Industry Leaders Join CEOs Call for Gun Control

June 9, 2022

SOURCE: https://www.provokemedia.com/latest/article/pr-industry-leaders-join-ceos'-call-for-gun-control

Melissa Waggener Zorkin Joins the 220-Plus PR Agency Business Leaders Calling on the US Senate to Pass Gun-Control Legislation

PRovoke, 9 Jun, 2022

In the wake of the recent rash of mass shootings - and amidst the rising toll of tragedies that often don't make the headlines - America's business leaders have come to gether to say the epidemic of gun violence in the United States is intolerable, and inaction is unacceptable. While U.S. Senators are engaged in bipartisan discussions, more than 223 CEOs and leaders have sent a letter to the U.S. Senate demanding that they pass strong and meaningful measures to prevent gun violence and make our communities safer. 

Melissa Waggener Zorkin, Global CEO and Founder, WE Communications, joins business leaders calling on the U.S. Senate to pass gun-control legislation. In a statement made in a LinkedIn article, Melissa went on to say, "In times of crisis our actions matter most, and we must lean hard on our purpose as our guide. As individuals, we can all do something to affect change. And when we're up against what feels like an insurmountable loss, all our positive efforts and actions matter. ONE, BY ONE."


(Photo courtesy of PRovoke Media)